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Chinese Lucky Numbers: Symbolism and Meanings

By LingoAce Team |US |April 12, 2024

Learning Chinese

In Chinese culture, numbers play a significant role in shaping beliefs and superstitions. Specific numbers are considered lucky, while others are deemed unlucky based on their pronunciation and resemblance to other words. Understanding the significance of lucky numbers can provide insight into Chinese culture and its traditional beliefs. Here, we delve into the world of Chinese lucky numbers, exploring their meanings and how they are perceived in Chinese society. 


What Are Lucky Numbers in Chinese? 

In Chinese culture, lucky numbers are believed to bring good fortune and prosperity to those who use them. These numbers are often used in significant life events such as weddings, business dealings, and even when choosing a phone number or license plate. On the other hand, unlucky numbers are avoided as they are believed to bring bad luck and misfortune. 


What Numbers Are Luckiest in Chinese? 

Number 8 (八, bā) 

The number 8 is considered the luckiest number in Chinese culture. It is pronounced as "bā," which sounds similar to the word for prosperity (发, fā). 8 is often associated with wealth, success, and good fortune. The number 8 is expected to be used for phone numbers, license plates, and addresses. 

This belief is so strong that people are willing to pay significant amounts to include this Chinese lucky number in their license plates. For example, in 2006, a man from Hangzhou reportedly tried to sell his A88888 license plate for about $140,000. Similarly, properties with the number 8 in the address or price are highly sought after in real estate and often command higher prices. Using the number 8 in pricing real estate is believed to attract good luck and prosperity to the property owners, reflecting the deep-rooted cultural significance of this number in Chinese society. 

Number 6 (六, liù) 

The number 6 is another lucky Chinese number. It is pronounced as "liù," which sounds similar to the word for smooth (流, liú) and is associated with everything going smoothly in life. The number 6 is often used in business and is believed to bring success and good fortune. 

One Chinese expression with the number 6 that conveys luck is "六六大顺" (liù liù dà shùn). This phrase is often used to wish someone a smooth and successful outcome in their endeavors. The repetition of the number 6 emphasizes the idea of smoothness and good fortune, making it a positive and auspicious expression. 

Number 9 (九, jiǔ) 

The number 9 is considered a lucky Chinese number because it is the highest single-digit number. It is pronounced as "jiǔ," which sounds similar to the word for long-lasting (久, jiǔ) or eternity. The number 9 is associated with longevity and is often used in weddings and other celebrations to symbolize a long and happy life. The Chinese expression 九九归一 (jiǔ jiǔ guī yī) literally means "nine nines return to one." It describes the concept of the cycle of reincarnation or the return to the origin. 

Number 3 (三, sān) 

The number 3 is considered a lucky Chinese number because it is pronounced as "sān," which sounds similar to the word for birth (生, shēng). It is associated with new beginnings and growth. The number 3 is often used in business and is believed to bring development and prosperity. The Chinese expression 三生有幸 (sān shēng yǒu xìng) translates to "fortunate to have three lives." This phrase expresses gratitude for a stroke of luck or a fortunate event. 

Number 2 (二, èr) 

The number 2 is also considered lucky in Chinese culture because it is pronounced as "èr," which sounds similar to the word for easy (易, yì). It is associated with harmony and balance. The number 2 is often used in partnerships and marriages to symbolize harmony and unity. The Chinese expression 一举两得 (yī jǔ liǎng dé), which means "one move, two gains," is used to describe a situation where one action leads to two positive outcomes. 

Conversely, specific numbers are considered unlucky due to their pronunciation and association with negative connotations. The number 4 (四, sì) is the most infamous unlucky number as it sounds similar to the word for death (死, sǐ). Consequently, the number 4 is often avoided in Chinese society, especially in matters related to business, home addresses, and phone numbers. The number 13 is also considered unlucky in Chinese culture, similar to Western beliefs, as it is associated with bad luck and misfortune. These superstitions surrounding unlucky numbers highlight the importance of numerology and symbolism in Chinese culture. 

How to Say Lucky Numbers in Chinese 

  • 8: 八 (bā) 

  • 6: 六 (liù) 

  • 9: 九 (jiǔ) 

  • 3: 三 (sān) 

  • 2: 二 (èr) 

In conclusion, Chinese lucky numbers play a significant role in the culture, influencing various aspects of life. Understanding the symbolism and meanings behind these numbers provides a glimpse into Chinese society's rich traditions and beliefs. Whether choosing a phone number or planning a wedding, incorporating lucky numbers can bring an extra layer of meaning and significance to your endeavors. 

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